Why Are Kitchen Cabinet Painting Quotes So Different Between Colorado Contractors?

Obtaining a quote for cabinet painting can be an exciting process, but it can also be a worrisome process. The fact that different contractors offer you quotes that are so different from each other makes it so that you can’t look forward to painting. You must be wondering, “Why do cabinet painters give such wildly different quotes?”

You know the saying, “You get what you pay for.” You are looking for cabinet painters with experience to do the job right and the knowledge of proper techniques, but you also need the best quality products. Fortunately, the best cabinet painters are not necessarily going to charge you the highest price. If you heard a particularly low quote, this doesn’t necessarily mean that the painters will do substandard work. However, this is exactly what it means in some cases.

At Caliber Painting in Ft Collins CO, we will give you a free estimate, but we will also provide you with financing options. Our inside house painters are covered by our liability insurance policy, and we also have Workers’ Compensation insurance. This way, you know that you will have workers who are dedicated to doing their best work, but these protections also mean that we can’t charge the lowest prices.

We want to explain to you how we go about determining a quote for cabinet painting.

The Reason Kitchen Cabinet Quotes Are So Radically Different:

Substandard Contractors

Unfortunately, some contractors are not good at what they do. You can catch these people from the beginning if they ask you to purchase the paint, or they ask for an exorbitant deposit. Contractors who use these tactics want to get as much as they can from you in the beginning. You need to ask these cabinet painters several questions. A bad actor will not be able to give you consistent answers. They aren’t going to be able to explain the charges in detail. Sometimes, you can ask inside house painters questions, and they will refuse to answer the question.

We know that we must give you the answers you seek. We will explain everything from the types of products we use to the process we use to apply them from the beginning until the end. We set out to give you first-rate experience, and that only occurs if your contractor can effectively communicate with you.

The Price of Labor

Whenever you receive a quote from anyone, the price of labor will be a major factor. Different jobs last for different amounts of time, and the job may be big or small. These differences can determine the amount that contractors charge. In most cases, a contractor will determine the price of labor based on man-hours, and the best contractors will explain how they calculate it. If you ever have questions about this, you are entitled to ask your contractor and receive a thorough answer.

The Price of Supplies

The price of supplies also varies significantly, and there are several reasons why it does. For example, if a contractor uses supplies that are of low quality, their prices can be lower because the prices of the supplies are lower. A higher quote can also result from the price of higher-quality paint. For example, paint from Benjamin Moore or Sherwin Williams has a higher price, so the quote will be higher, but the results will be superior.

In addition to supplies, prices go up or down depending on the condition of the economy.

If a contractor asks you to pay for the supplies, the quote will seem low. However, the amount that you pay for supplies will be higher because you are not privy to the discounts that contractors receive from suppliers.

Extra: Look for Warranties

Contractors offer warranties because they believe in the work that they have done. If they are unwilling to offer this, beware. You must also remember to ask the contractors you interview several questions about their practices. Perform research on the company and the products they use. If there are online reviews, make sure that you read those, and ask anyone you know who used the contractor what they think of the work. Contractors also have samples of their work, so ask to see some.

Contact us at Caliber Painting in Ft Collins CO for a consultation. We will help you decide which colors are best for your cabinets, and we can set up a schedule that is most convenient for you to have the work done. Fill out our simple form on our website or call us. We look forward to hearing from you.

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